...Yang Sedang-Sedang Saje...

manis. sopan. santun. muda. remaja. dan wallaahu a'lam bissawab...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


heh. wat a suprising comeback! due to e fact dat im super duper freaking awking boring and juz need to rant some things out in 'public'. thanks to dis human creation named 'blog'. oh well, im juz warming up, mind u!

some major changes i had n am still having in life are such as, of cos, WORK. PERManent one. 'long-term-and-may-be-lifetime-career' (sounds so chim huh.) - i will elaborate on that some other time.

but well, people change, n grow up (tho some juz dont). heh. that doesnt exclude me. im a human too, u know. so, yeah.

back 2 e topic (WORK). tomoro is e national day tea party. and sherlene wants us to dress up in red. i juz simply hate dress codes or themes or wadever u wanna call it. especially e color RED. or maybe some other colors which i dont have it as my wardrobe collection. y cant we juz have purple or pink, brown or e worst (e best to me), BLACK? cos i have tons of it! blergh.
so yeah, now u know y i hate it. rite? n each time, each year, i need to get a new pair of red clothings. y each year? bcos by e next yr, i wud juz find it ugly by then n wud juz wonder juz whyyyyyy on motherearth i did bought it. heh. i juz hope wat i am wearing 4 tomoro is not gonna b as bad n as ugly as i tot it is. or at least i dont wanna look like a walking flag excluding e stars n moon.

ok. too much of that already. i need to rest n sleep. especially during this peak period of high volume and having to OT every day. oh man. now i really feel like bitching. but i dont have e balls to do so. cos who knows, some where some time, any1 might b reading this. and he who eats chilli, tastes hot. gd nite n gdbye! (4 now).